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For shipping from U.S. Warehouse: If your package is delivered by business express carrier such as UPS, FedEx, the seller must dispatch your package within 2 working days. If your package is delivered by a trucking company, the seller must dispatch your package within 4 working days. The exact delivery time depends on the carriers. For shipping from Manufacture: If your package is delivered by sea, the seller must dispatch your package within 7 working days. If your package is delivered by air, the seller must dispatch your package within 3 working days. The exact delivery time depends on the carriers.

Please register a distributor account first, then:

If you ship to U.S., please  use “Add to Negotiate” function on product details page to communicate with sellers and get the quotation.

If you ship to areas outside of U.S., you will see the reminder “Larger volume purchase or want to resell, please negotiate with the seller.” on product details page and click “please negotiate with the seller” to communicate with sellers and get the quotation.

You are able to sell the products after you get the final quotation. 

For more details, please visit our Distributor Instruction page.

If goods does not match the descriptions or if the product is defective or fake, please provide evidence to seller via “Contact Seller” button. If the problem is caused by the seller, the seller should provide compensations to you. The following situations are not included: *Goods you claim are not as described, but the seller can prove that they are. You can browse Buyer Protection page for more details.

You can locate your tracking number after you have signed in: Order > Manage Order> Click “View Details” on the order list. With the tracking number and shipping company information you can go to the shipping company’s official website to check the detailed progress.